Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be a professional homemaker if you could not find job or can not work currently

In addition to shopping,
Be a professional Mother !

I can't find job in 5 years and within this five years I completed two certificates in computer graphic and EKG technician. Depresssed by job hunting in this big, powerful country without connection; I think I need to do something in order to keep up emotion; otherwise, it is too unfair to my family who live with me and struggle in dealing with my depression everyday.

I think maybe there are many women like me out there, so thinking ways to wipe out the upset of being a loser, maybe there is something we can do to gain our confidence no matter how those jobbed or incomed people seeing us.

Small project like landscaping designe with careful budget planning around where you live can be an ideal confidence gaining task.

photographed in neighborhood.

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